Salary Loan

Salary Loan

                                                                                            Applicants must

  1. i) Receive his salary through the Bank for at least three months
  2. ii) Submit application letter stating the amount required and the period for the loan and fill first appraisal form

iii) Complete and sign a prescribed loan application form endorsed by his/her employer

  1. iv) Provide two (2) salaried workers who collect their salary through the Bank as guarantors.
  2. V) Submit one recent self passport photograph each of the applicant and the two personal guarantors as well as national voter’s identification card.
  1. vi) Completean indemnity and guarantee forms

vii) Provide a copy of his recent past payslip

viii) Credit Officer must attach a copy of statement of account of the applicant

  1. ix) Recommendation from the Agency Head
  2. x) Credit Bureau Referenced Report

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